He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm in a Garden state of Mind

Last Sunday I risked bodily harm out in my garden.   Bending, lifting, digging, planting, oh my aching back.  But this morning sitting out on my summer porch drinking my coffee and surveying the fruits of my labor, listening to the birds and taking in the awesomeness of our God's creation I'm thinking that every single bit of it was so worth it.   I also want to give credit to Mr. V for all of his help,  I buy the flowers but he's the one that has the eye for arranging and deciding what should get planted where and he is just so much better at this than I am.

In addition to the flowers, herbs and vegetables out in the garden there are also several bird (ahem, squirrel) feeding stations.  I'm seeing finches, beautiful little yellow finches, red cardinals, cute little chickadees and other not so beautiful starlings and doves but still fun to watch none the less.   Then here come the squirrels, there's a trio of furry little monsters chasing each other up and down the back fence and back and forth from tree to tree.  They regularly raid the bird feeders.

We also have a backyard guest who is NOT quite so welcome.  We have another groundhog and he's a big fat one.  Did you know that groundhogs can climb?  Well, I'm here to tell you they can climb very well.  So that fence you were thinking about putting around your lovely vegetable patch......pfffffttt, forget it.  

Mornings in my garden, now my favorite part of the day.   CHECK OUT SOME OF MY OTHER GARDEN PICS ON MY FLICKR SITE - http://www.flickr.com/photos/64048632@N07/

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.  Psalm 91:11

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!!! Just read you had a GROUND HOG?! Do you still? Oh Linda I had quite a time with them. They were living under the potting shed and oh do they love to eat sunflowers, and petunias and even picked cantaloupes! Finally started trapping them. Got two! Now we have raccoons but they don't eat the flowers thank GOd.
