He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

Thursday, June 9, 2011

If you can't stand the heat, get out ot the kitchen (and go sew something)!

It's an incredibly HOT day here in my part of the world.  The schools had early dismissal yesterday and today due to the heat.  Thank you dear Jesus for my air-conditioner.  I don't know how I would survive without it.   A good day to stay inside and puruse quilting sites on the computer and read other people's blogs.

My workday is done now and I'd like to take my own advice and go sew something but unfortunately right now my sewing room/office looks like a bomb went off.  The room was previously my girls bedroom.  We re-did our upstairs which was previously just storage space and then moved the girls up there so they would each have their own room.  Now all the stuff that was in the storage space is down here with me in my office and at this point I can't even see my sewing machine for all the boxes and bins.   

I resolve that this must change and the sooner the better.   Sewing is like medicine for me and I'm way past due for some sewing therapy!

Wishing you Blessings,

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