He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

Friday, June 10, 2011

An Elementary School Rite of Passage

Who doesn't remember their elementary school field trip to the zoo?  Today was Becca Marie's turn, like so many 2nd grader's before her (myself included) the big yellow school buses all headed down to the Philadelphia Zoo.   I had volunteered to be a parent chaperone for the day.  And unlike years before when Jay went to the zoo on his school trip, parents are no longer allowed to ride on the buses with the kids, you have to drive yourself there and meet at the entrance.  A minor inconvenience probably for most parents but when you have the navagational abilities of Mr. Magoo it's a bit trickier. 

Not to be daunted by the challenge I went out a couple of weeks ago and bought myself a GPS device and took it for a test drive.  Got in the car, and drove for miles and miles until things didn't look familiar anymore and I had no clue where I was.  Then I simply pushed the GO Home button and followed the instructions and "wah-laa" it took me right home.   Ah-ha I thought, this will work great for the zoo trip, no worries.  So this morning after putting Becca on the bus I jumped in the car pressed the on button on the GPS and ......nothing except this little spinning hour glass on the screen.   Grrrrrr!

But all ends well, after a slight "detour" it finally began working with voice instructions but no picture and we made it to the zoo and we beat the buses there.  Don't ask me how that happened.   Becca and her BFF forever Tori had a great time.  I managed to walk a few blisters on the bottom of my feet but I think the exercise did me good.

Oh, and that pesky GPS.....worked like a charm on the way home.  Sure, I wasn't under the gun to meet the school bus on time then.  It figures!

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