He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wow, it's been 3 years since my last blog post and a lot has happened since then.  Shortly after my last post I was diagnosed with breast cancer and went thru surgery and then several months of recovery.  I have to admit the physical recovery was not as bad as the mental recovery which took quite a bit longer.  It was harder than I thought it would be to get used to the "new me".   But, I have much to be thankful for in that the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes and I was spared the dreaded chemo and radiation. 

Last time I posted, Ashley had just started middle school and now she has just started high school.  What a difference 3 years makes at that age.  The transformation is nothing short of miraculous.  She's turning into a really beautiful young woman.   Thank you dear Jesus for blessing me and letting me be here to see it. 

Well, I'm going to try to post fairly regularly, I can't promise my posts will always be interesting.  I read other blogs and I'm so inspired and I think Wow, what interesting lives these people must have. LOL, me....not so much.

GOD bless you.

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